Quiz 1

Name _____________________________________________________

Problem 1

Triangle ABC is a right triangle with right angle at C.  Point D is on segment AB so that line CD is perpendicular to AB.



If AD = x and BD = y, find AB, showing your reasoning carefully.



Problem 2 (Construction)

Given the segment AB and point D on AB, construct a point C so that triangle ABC is a right triangle with right angle at C and line CD is perpendicular to AB.















Problem 3

Let ABCD be four points on a circle c.  If ABCD is a parallelogram, prove (if true) that ABCD must be a rectangle.


Problem 4

Let m and n be lines that are parallel at distance d apart.  Also, let p and q be lines parallel at the same distance d apart.  But m is not parallel to p.  Prove that the four points of intersection of the lines form a rhombus.